Como docente e investigador, mi trabajo tiene que ver con la ética aplicada, o con la filosofía práctica. Mi proyecto para los próximos años busca mejorar la capacidad de la universidad pública para responder mediante una “alianza de saberes” (tomo la expresión de Marina Garcés, pero la idea se remonta por lo menos a Thoreau) a los retos sociales y ecológicos que se avecinan. Para ello, voy a sostener que es necesario partir del reconocimiento de la vulnerabilidad pero no detenerse en ella, sino aprender cómo organismos y colectivos son capaces de recuperarse de las crisis, reinventarse y adaptarse transitando a lo nuevo. Es decir, desplazar el discurso desde la vulnerabilidad hacia la resiliencia. Continue reading
Tag Archives: autonomy
Never Let Me Go
I’m just back from a great conference at the University of La Laguna, on Vulnerability, Justice and Global Ethics. I have been off the bioethics frontline for a while and conferences help us all touching base again, recovering an awareness of what is going on in the field, what the main challenges are and how can they be tackled. I am really grateful to the organising committee, as well as to all the colleagues and friends whom I met in these two days, for doing all the hard work necessary for this conference to happen. This conference was particularly hospitable and well-run. Continue reading
Intensive Course: Exploring Bioethics through Film
This is the 2nd time we host this international program in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University. Taught by faculty from CWRU and UPV/EHU this course offers students a cross-cultural perspective on bioethics in the United States and Spain. This course uses the medium of film, complemented by readings in bioethics, film criticism, and medical research, to introduce students to a number of compelling bioethics issues. Attendance to HEFA (Faculty of Education, Philosophy, and Anthropology) activities free of charge for IAS-Research members, UPV/EHU researchers, “Filosofía, Ciencia y Valores / Filosofia, Zientzia eta Balioak” master students and anyone who expresses an interest on the topic. Free registration and more info:
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More on narrative ethics in health care
“Enduring tedium over real time in a confined space is what real courage is.” (David Foster Wallace). Well, academics know about this kind of courage, but the quote comes from an article using a short story by DFW to illuminate narrative autonomy in health care.You can download the full text here by courtesy of Cambridge University Press.
Active and healthy ageing
Ageing is one of the main challenges of our time. We live longer, but for this to be a real achievement it has to be better understood and socialised. Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) is a complex phenomenon and it requires a multidisciplinary approach such as the one SIforAGE is providing in Europe.
That’s why last Friday SIforAGE, GISME and Jakiunde organised a public seminar in the framework of the Krisiak project, aiming at understanding crises as opportunities to develop social innovation, creativity and social change.
Bioethics, literature, & narrative autonomy
Last summer we spent two very good months at the Philosophy Department, University of Bristol. Their wonderful hospitality made it possible for me to finish an edited volume that is forthcoming, and also this article, which I presented in a workshop there and has just been published in Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, first view. Continue reading
Sobre las confesiones de un médico (Tauber)
Sir Luke Fildes, The Doctor (1891), Tate Gallery, London
(imagen de dominio público que Tauber menciona en su texto)